Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dear Goats,

Thank you for keeping my baby alive. And happy for the first time in months.

While Eliza isn't necessarily allergic to breastmilk,our lactation specialist (and I) believe she is unable to break down the milk protein in breastmilk or any formulas that contain milk. Our pediatrician suggested Similiac Alimentum and while it was a blessing in so many ways, it was not the answer. Once we introduced the Alimentum, Eliza's colic stopped. We continued to breastfeed her partially, but every time she drank even the smallest amount of breastmilk, there was a noticeable difference in her demeanor- she was fussy, irritable, and unhappier overall. Alimentum set us in the right direction, but after seeing how Eliza digested the formula, I felt sick to my stomach. She wasn't colicky, but she was in pain.

Then, we came across the idea of goat's milk. Two of Nathan's brothers had colic and would not nurse. Nathan's mother searched for a solution and then gave them goat's milk, which seemed to help. We were so desperate that we would try anything. I was wary of giving Eliza unpasteurized milk, but after some research (and a half gallon of pasteurized goat's milk from Good Earth), we decided to find a farm with unpasteurized goat's milk. Finally we found Drake Family Farms in South Jordan. It is a small family farm (and forty minutes away), but it is definitely worth the trip. Eliza has been so happy lately! She loves the milk and it has been incredibly good for her digestion. Biologically, goat's milk is the closest substitute for breastmilk. I can confirm this is true!

I have tried to put aside feelings of failing Eliza in some way by depriving her of nursing because I know goat's milk is the best thing for her. I'd recommend it to any parents in a similar situation (and in fact, I have!). Two babies are a lot happier thanks to these goats!


  1. I'm glad she is feeling better! Those goats sure are cute.... as is she! I love how chubby she is getting!!

  2. That's so good to know! We really struggled with poor Wes and his tummy issues (we did Alimentum for months). I wonder if goat's milk would have helped? I'll remember that for the next one!

  3. Thank you for the cute goat pictures, and I'm glad little Eliza is happy with goat's milk. Meh, I'm not a fan.

  4. YAY for happy Eliza! :) she is a doll by the way!

  5. I'm glad she's doing better! I think some people get so passionate about breastfeeding that it makes those who can't feel even more guilty. I say, "to each his own". If it doesn't work for your baby and it isn't healthy...don't feel bad about alternatives! All that matters is that your baby is healthy and happy. If goat's milk is what does it for her, drink up Eliza. Drink up! :)

  6. I agree with Brittany's comment. "All that matters is that your baby is healthy and happy." If this is the best solution for her then you are doing the greatest job of being a mother. Taking care of her best interests is the best thing you can do as a mother. I'm glad you finally found something that works for her. My mom actually gave Goat's milk to my youngest brother when he was a baby. It's pretty common.

  7. That's awesome. I'm glad there is something that will help relieve some of her pain. (haha at first I typed it wrong and it said "help her relive some of her pain...we don't want that.)

  8. I really appreciate your comments, everyone! It's nice to have friends and such wonderful support. And just in case anyone is wondering, if you must use formula, Similac Alimentum comes highly recommended by breastfeeding experts. One woman told me: I'd probably never use formula, but if I did, it'd be Alimentum. Just so you know!

  9. i am so glad you found a solution! And yes, to echo everyone else, please don't feel bad. The goat's milk is best for Eliza and although you don't get to nurse, she is getting the best thing for her!!! I'm so glad she is finally able to be a happy baby!! You are a wonderful mother... oh and goats are the cutest! I want to have one for a pet!

  10. Goat milk? I never would have guessed, but I'm sure mothers have been giving it to their babies for thousands of years! :)


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