Thursday, March 1, 2012

3 Months

We made it three months! I had planned on writing something cute about each of the boys, but my eyes hurt too much to stare at my computer screen any longer. So yes, that unfortunately means they are still not sleeping much. It has to get better sooner or later, though, right?

Pictures for now. Cute words to come!

(Dear Ezra, sorry there aren't many photos of you. Maybe next time you'll be in a better mood. We still love you just as much as your brother.)


  1. I love LOVE love those chubby cheeks!

  2. Happy 3 months, cute boys! Celebrate by giving your mama a break and sleeping, okay?

  3. I can't believe how much they have grown and changed since we were there last there! Love them!

  4. I *think* I can tell the boys apart in these pictures. Is it because I spend way too much time on your blog reading and re-reading? Perhaps. Love you and love them- they're just too cute!

  5. I always thought i could tell your kids apart... and then today i finally accepted it... The ARE identical twin boys! I give up!

  6. These are REALLY cute pictures!! They look so cute! Their little round faces are the sweetest.


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